Rusting(a certain degree of reddishness) is a natural process and it happens to any TMT bar made of
pure/virgin iron ore when exposed to moisture in atmosphere. It can easily be removed by rubbing the
with a sand paper. However, a prolonged exposure to moisture leads to corrosion which is detrimental and
cannot be reversed. It wears off the ribs of a rebar by an uneven surface erosion.
Therefore, a rusted JSW Neotseel can always be used till the reddishness is removable by rubbing the
surface. Rusting, infact, is a) an indication that TMT bar is made of virgin iron ore b) benficial as it
develops fine pits on the surface ensuring even better bonding with cement.
Therefore, to prevent TMT bars from getting corroded, please follow the below steps: 1. TMT bars should
coated with a cement wash(cement to water slurry in a 1:3 ration) before stacking. It prevents direct
contact of rebar with atmosphere. Thi cement layer is not a wastage as it goes inside the concerete with
TMT bar 2. While stacking, the TMT bar should be atleast 150 mm above the ground level with a due
to cover 3. Avoid the TMT bar to come in contact with bricks, soil, wood and other porous non-alkaline
materials 4. Use high quality and impermeable concrete.